What Is Meta University?

It is a collaboration by top ranked global universities to design specialized courses, develop content, validate content, deliver courses, assess students, and certify their skills and abilities

What Is Skill Education Meta University?

An international collaboration between top-rated global universities, research institutes, recruiting companies, sector skill counsels, local governments and communities, it provides global best skill development training to meet regional / global employment and entrepreneurship opportunities / needs

SkillEdu VARSITY Objective

SkillEdu Varsity  (SEV) is the world’s first skill education meta varsity start-up committed to contributing to the national initiative “Skill India for Athmanirbhar Bharath”

Our Vision

The SEV plans to become a model STEM Education institute by 2022 and a model university by 2025

Our Mission

·      Educate-to-Employ (E2E) is the prime motto

·      To bring global best practices of skill education to regional level through dynamic collaborations with subject expert Universities, sector
skill counsels, enterprises, research organisations, associations, government, as well as community in diversified sectors

·      To build research intensive Learning Varsity

·    To create one stop shop platform for students to learn various skills and build their profile for aspiring careers – Holistic and Heuristic Learning School (HHLS)

·      To launch skill development training programs suitable for emerging economies of 21st century

·      To diversify into selected metros and smart cities by 2025

·      To establish and empower local Skills Incubation Centers (SICs) through collaboration with various institutes in excellence, research, and innovation

·      To develop and supply locally skilled workforces which shall attract new industries and opportunities to the region

·      To launch global and regional industry, corporate specific skill development programs & courses

·    To study and meet local & global employability demand

SkillEdu’s holistic and heuristic interface for designing high employability skill courses

SkillEdu courses are crafted using pottery-wheel model which include inputs from Industry, sector skill counsels, academics, research organisations, state and central govts along with community –

1. Industry / Enterprises:  Skills requirement is taken from local / regional, national & international enterprises which includes 20+ potential & emerging industry     like

  • IT – Artificial Intelligence, IoT, 3D technologies, Video Games, Virtual Reality, VoIP, Mobile Apps etc
  • Engineering – Telecom, Automobile, Textile, Drones, Water and Water Treatment etc
  • Health Care – Nutrition, Elderly Health Care Services, Medical Data, Meditation, Mindfulness Training etc
  • Energy – Green Energy (Wind & Solar)
  • Education – Accreditations and Ranking, Faculty Training, Skill Education
  • Management – Infrastructure (Construction Management), Hotel Management, Intellectual Property
  • Finance – Banking, Insurance, Finance
  • Agriculture – Precision Agriculture, Organic Farming
  • Science – Biotechnology, BioPharma, and BioMedical                          

2. Academics: Global best Universities collaborate to develop and launch of co-branded certification skill courses based on industry / enterprises requirement

3. Research organizations: Connecting skill courses with applied and emerging areas of research works and opportunities

4. State & Central Government: Working close with initiatives of State and Central Govt, employment data and skill development policies in designing and              launching of skill courses

5. Community needs: Connecting with local & regional communities to understand employment and entrepreneurial opportunities

SkillEdu courses shall be validated, endorsed and rated by associated Universities, recruiting industry / enterprises and research organisations. Each course will have credits given by concern Universities, research organizations and recruiting industry / enterprises. Upon satisfactory outcome of every course, they shall be applied for domestic and international accreditations and rankings

Stages involved in skill courses design to assessment

1. Knowing regional and local enterprises’ skill & human capital requirement, signing collaboration agreement with these enterprises for course development, endorsement, delivery, assessment and future recruitment
2. Developing courses by mapping with enterprises’ skills requirement, evaluating and endorsing these courses by Global top ranked Universities, Research Institutes, sector skill counsels and future recruiters
3. Delivery of courses by faculty and trainers from global top ranked Universities, Research Institutes and future recruiters
4. Campus recruitment by the regional enterprises and global recruiters.
5. Assessment & rating of learning outcome and certification by global top ranked Universities, Research Institutes and recruiters

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